Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Whizzard.

Have you ever fantasized about getting the high score in a video game? Do you remember the Seinfeld episode where George had the high score in the Frogger? Well its Moe's time!
 The Whizzard is coming to Canada!  A new video game powered by, you guessed it, whizz. Your stream powers the game by aiming and attacking various targets.  It comes with an LED screen affixed above the urinal to watch your progress. Take Pee-nalty shots, steer a race car, the ideas are endless. The more you whizz the higher your score. Guys are going to WANT to get up 4-5 times a night.
Gentleman on your mark, get set ,GO and keep GOING.............

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dinner and a story.

I just read in the paper about something new and exciting. Effectively immediately when you buy a certain lobster you will be able to scan the lobster to determine who caught it and by what means. Did they use the dreaded wooden wire cage or the more comfortable vinyl wire trap. Can someone explain this to me. Why would any one care who and how their lobster was caught? Is it an animal rights issue? Are we soon going to demand the same for the chicken or cow? What farm did it come from? What was its name?
But let me understand more about the lobster. We care about the treatment of the lobster when caught but then we get it home we toss it live into a boiling pot of water?????  Poor Sabastian.


Monday, May 18, 2015

Where bad ideas come from!

Have you ever been in a meeting when someone comes up with an idea that is so ridiculous you wonder if they have any clue as to what is being discussed? Have they been sleeping the last half an hour?  How did they ever get their job? A little advice for these geniuses:

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Dangers of golf

Golf is a very dangerous sport. Frustration always on the brink, absolute silence insisted on before every shot and clubs, irons and woods all within arms length ready for battle. Not to mention alcohol available virtually the entire round. To make things worse, with every errant shot one must yell FORE to let everyone on the course know what a bad shot you just made. Definitely not relaxing.
  I was golfing this week and was lucky to avoid injury. I say thank you JC for not letting anything happen to me. JC was driving and although we avoided any mishaps I can't say the same thing about another driver that day. Was it a bad shot? Alcohol? Total frustration? Could be anything. So next time you are golfing be careful. Be very careful!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Go Leafs Go!

I have been a Montreal Canadian's fan for many years and trashing the Leafs is just part of the game. However, after the last two Montreal losses to Tampa Bay I am thinking maybe the picture below is not just a coincidence. Well at least WE are in the playoffs!