Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hamilton's refugees

Hamilton is a great city, I was born there. A city full of culture and kindness. Hamilton was one of the first cities to agree to accept Syrian refuges and the hotels only happy to oblige. The refugees arrived, checked into the hotels and began their long and difficult integration into the wonderful Hamilton culture. But soon after their arrival they were told to pack up and get ready to move to Niagara, because, Garth Brooks was arriving for 4 concerts and the hotels had rented out their rooms. We are ok with the refugees, especially when there are empty hotel rooms, but we obviously prefer Garth Brooks. What a great first lesson we taught the refugees about our Canadian culture and hospitality. Good thing there wasn't a hockey tournament going on in the area otherwise we could have sent them packing, back to Syria.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Like a frightened turtle.

Here we go again, another frightened turtle. Do you remember the Seinfeld episode when George was changing after a swim and Jerry's girlfriend accidentally walked in on him. It was the frightened turtle line.  Well, a wildlife smuggler was just caught after Federal agents spotted a turtle peaking out of his trousers. They say that they first spotted" irregularly shaped bulges in his pants". 

 What I really want to know is, how are Federal agents trained on spotting "irregularly shaped bulges in one's pants"? Is this a job that requires experience? Does one need to spend time on a beach observing and learning? Are these federal agents considered specialists in pant bulges? So many questions so few answers.  


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Change the world.

We all want to change the world for the better. Donating to charities is a simple way we can help. Because there are so many important charities in the world, as well as fraudulent ones, one needs to be very selective as to which charity he/she donates to. Do your homework and make a difference. Or, join my cause. Together we can make this world a better place for the Turkey!

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Have you heard about this? Manspreading! Men in New York are actually receiving fines for Manspreading on the subways. Either close your legs and let another sit or you will get a ticket.

Are men selfish or do we need a little extra room because the seats are just too small? I am sure there are people who will argue that men have become less considerate over the years, but look at this flyer from 1918 Chicago. It seems men have either been inconsiderate forever or we just need a little extra room for the family jewels.
Whatever the reason New York is forcing men to be uncomfortable on the subways. Squish the jewels or pay up.