Thursday, April 28, 2016

Exotic foods

I always loved the Indiana Jones movies. The action, the exotic places and the cool things that Harrison Ford got to experience. I remember in one of the early movies when he joined a tribal leader for a meal and was served horrific foods. I remember there being eye ball soup, fried beetles and monkey brains, food you don't find on many menus in restaurants that we frequent. Well I am in Israel, currently at a hotel for the Passover holiday, and I have found quite the exotic foods myself. I think they are serving Grilled Humming bird but I am not even sure what type of stew that is. See pictures below, I passed on both.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


I woke up this morning took a shower got dressed and began my day. I had a few things to do this morning, a couple people to meet and back home for a quick lunch. The day was turning out pretty damn good. Then my wife pointed out " your shirt is inside out". I had been wearing my polo shirt inside out all day! I asked her is it noticeable? She answered, "not from the front but the back has the label printed on the back of the shirt" and,she added," it says Made in Jordan". Did I mention I am in Israel? DAMN!


Monday, April 11, 2016

New opportunities

I have been unemployed now for over a year, it's just not that easy for a 55 year old to find work these days. The poor economy has not helped but I have not given up, I have always believed that if one kept his options open and has something unique to offer then eventually an opportunity would arise. Well, today my opportunity arose and quite by accident. I was at ACE Hardware looking for a new broom, wearing a red polo shirt, when customers starting asking me for help. It was my red shirt, I looked like I worked there.I felt a purpose in my life. Could this be my next career move? 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


This is TRUE story! After a long flight I arrived at my destination, headed to the luggage carousel, but decided to make a quick pit stop, after all it was a very long flight, 11 hours on the plane. As I was taking care of business, in the privacy of a stall, the person meeting me at the airport called my cell and asked which gate I would be exiting from, I told him number 2. He repeated number 2? And I confirmed number 2!
 Unbeknownst to me a friend of  mine just happened to be in that bathroom at that exact moment and recognized my unique voice and shouted out, MOE TOO MUCH INFORMATION!

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Have you ever played the game where you are required to unscramble letters to make a word. It is a very popular game which encourages analytic thinking. You can find them in newspapers, there are Unscramble books and even schools use them for teaching children how to spell. Check out the answers below from a 6 year old in school. I applaud his thinking out of the box.