Friday, May 20, 2016

Life's cross roads

Many times in life you arrive at cross roads. What to do? As we know all roads lead to different destinations. One's decision may be based on careers, children's needs, family or even weather or culture. Is the decision based on long term needs or immediate needs? I came to such a crossroad recently. I made my decision based on immediate need. I feel much better now, thank you.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


The debate will continue forever,  FOX or CNN? Are you a liberal or a conservative? A Republican or a Democrat?  I never know which news station to watch, which slant to listen to. Today the question was answered. My two year old grandson, Koby, made the executive decision. I asked him why? Simple he said, "Fair and Balanced"

Friday, May 6, 2016

US Elections

If you watch any news programs you can't avoid the US elections. Trump or Cruz, Clinton or Saunders? We are told over and over again that the people are fed up with mainstream politicians and want change. So is this change or have we seen these characters before?  Look at the picture below, I think we have seen all these characters before.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dream Job???

 Do you like your job? Is it challenging or boring? Have you ever had one of those days at work when you actually were all caught up, and had nothing to do? You sit at your desk and think about whether you should leave early? Perhaps look for a new job?  Maybe quietly surf the net, or go chat with other staff. This may be ok for a day or two but what if you actually had nothing to do for days? What to do then?
 Well maybe you should ask Joaquin Garcia. You see, in 2010 Garcia was being awarded in Spain for 20 years of dedicated civil service, however, while preparing the award it was discovered that Joaquin had actually stopped working 14 years earlier. It seems when they went to find Garcia in his office to inform him of the award they could not find him and when they asked others from nearby offices about his whereabouts they were told no one had seen Garcia in years. It now seems that Garcia was actually meant to be fired in 1995 at which point everyone stopped monitoring him all together. So it turns out that Garcia was paid for work he didn't do for 14 years. Garcia did nothing for 14 years! He maintained that it wasn't a total waste. While he didn't work every day, like the position mandated, he said he did occupy his office occasionally passing the time reading, often about philosopher Baruch Spinoza. Exactly what most of us would do!
 So if you are bored at work with nothing to do remember, things could be worse, you could have nothing to do for years or a far worse job.