Sunday, August 28, 2016

It was a sign

I try very hard to avoid talking politics. However, there are times when you are at crossroads and you have to look for a sign. Clinton or Trump? Who would be better for the country? Then I saw this sign somewhere in South Carolina! What direction are you going?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Turkey Geometry.

 I am not one to delve publicly into the world of politics, unless forced to. I believe everyone is entitled to their own personal political views, until it starts to hurt or offend others. There are countries in this world who are evil and bask in it and countries who are equally evil but try to hide it. Iran is proud to broadcast their evil intentions while Turkey tries to be more diplomatic, until this week.
 Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu this week described the difference between Turkey and ISIS. He proclaimed, "There is a 360-degree, not 180-degree, difference between the Islam we defend and what Daesh has on its mind,” he said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State.
 Was this a major geometrical gaffe or a politician mistakenly telling the truth? 

Sunday, August 14, 2016


 I love the Olympics, the competitive spirit, the pride, the winners and the losers. I am however confused. Did you hear the opening comments by Thomas Bach, IOC President? He stated, "In this Olympic world there is one universal law for everybody. In this Olympic world we are all equal". We are all equal? As John Oliver pointed out, this is not only false but completely contrary to the whole purpose of the Olympics. Are we not all cheering for our country to win and to beat all the other countries? If we are all equal, lets give everyone a medal and ask them to stay home. It reminds me of children sports programs where all kids are awarded medals for participating, regardless of being the winners or the losers.
I say, let the winners stand tall on the podium and the losers going home but looking forward to next time. Celebrate "triumphs" and not "nice try". Competition is good and pushes all of us to be better. If not, below might be what we can look forward to in future Olympics.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Keep healthy

We are all aware how important it is to ensure one remains in good health. Not only is it of personal importance but it is a national and even global issue. Countries throughout the world are focused on the health of their citizens as populations continue to age, costs continue to increase, and treatments become even more very expensive.
It is not surprising then that Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, has declared that he is very concerned that his pot belly is getting too big. It seems that it is affecting his golf game.
Interesting to note that the average wage in Cambodia is about $190 a month and a round of golf about $100.  "It's good to be King".


Monday, August 1, 2016

odeur naturelle

It is hard to believe but there exists countries where people believe a man should smell like a man. Deodorant is frowned upon, men are expected to smell natural. You go near these guys and you nearly pass out. It seems to me the hotter the temperature in any given country the less deodorant worn. I passed this statue the other day in a park, I think it is the Greek god Persephone, Greek for perspiration? This must be the source. What other explanation can there be for this statue?