Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What An Idiot!

When you are still young, not married, no children, you are willing to try anything, once. Ice climbing, Running of the bulls, Extreme water rafting or maybe Skydiving. When you have zero responsibilities it is easier to put your life at risk. However, once married and maybe a couple children, life becomes more complicated. You need to become more responsible no more crazy stunts that could cost you your life. Take a look at the lunatic in the attached video. He jumps out of a plane at 25,000 feet with no parachute aiming to land in a net below, with his wife and family watching! As they said in the movie Wedding Crashers,"what an idiot".

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trump or Clinton

The election in the US is beyond entertaining. Both the Fox and CNN candidates are flawed individuals however, the attached video may make the decision a little easier. Who do you think is better in this video Trump or Clinton?

Sunday, October 2, 2016

No more really early mornings!

I did it again. I woke up early got dressed and started my day. Had a good breakfast and off I went to my first appointment. Upon arriving I realized my shirt, a polo shirt, was inside out. This is now the second time in a matter of a couple months that I put my shirt on inside out. That's it no more getting up so early, waking up at 10 is killing me! At least I am in good company.
              I don't always wake up early but when I do I always put my shirts on inside out.