Sunday, February 19, 2017

Haynes Beans

When marketing any product the target audience must know immediately what you are advertising. Consumers today have little patience reading ads, they merely glance at the advertisement and if not immediately interested they are gone. We live in a very fast paced, high tech society and to be successful you need to get your message out quickly and clearly. Take a look at this commercial, what do you think they are advertising? 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Moose Licking

Canada is one of the greatest countries in the world. Unfortunately we are in dire need of a good marketing manager. A typical foreigner reads news about Canada and thinks that we have polar bears roaming our streets and citizens living in igloos. We need to market ourselves to the world educating them that we are a world class country? I not sure the latest news containing Moose Licking Warnings is helpful.

Crosswalks in life

A road was recently expanded in my neighborhood, it is now a 6 lane road with a major intersection.To ensure maximum safety the city put up a new crosswalk together with a yield sign. A very good idea I thought as safety for pedestrians, bicycles and horses must be paramount. Yes horses! Can someone explain this one to me? I have heard the joke about the bear who goes into the bar and the chicken crossing the road but I have never heard the one about the horse waiting to cross the street.    

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Messianic Times

Many people talk about Messianic days. It is believed to be a time filled with wonder and peace. It is a time when "they will beat their swords into plowshares" and "the wolf will live with the lamb", basically "paradise". I am a simple guy with simple beliefs but when I saw this public toilet I knew I was in paradise, there was no sword nor plowshare, no wolf nor lamb just paradise. Welcome to the messianic public washroom.