Sunday, September 28, 2014

Boxer Turtles

  Kai Xu, a good old Windsor boy, was discovered last week, by U.S. border police, smuggling 51 turtles in his pants. 51 turtles in his pants! These turtles were mostly the Eastern Box turtle. That's Box turtle not Boxer turtle, although in this case boxer turtle may be a better name.
 I can't imagine having 51 turtles in my pants, I can't imagine having 1 turtle in my pants. As Seinfeld would say, I am sure there was more than 1 frightened turtle down there.
 I say we punish Kai by placing 51 snapping turtles in his pants and let the turtles get even. After spending a few hours with snapping turtles in his pants I am sure Kai will think twice before putting any other animal in his pants.     
Put 51 of these in Kai's pants

Monday, September 22, 2014

Signs for Dummies

Traffic signs are very important, but do we need signs for idiots?  Do we need to remind pedestrians not to walk into oncoming traffic? If someone was not taught to look both ways before crossing and does not realize that being hit by a car could hurt, I don't think a sign is going to help them.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Business and Politics

I think business has no room for politics. If you have a good product you should have every opportunity to sell it globally.  I am wondering though whether one should be a little discerning when naming a business and, perhaps, should always be aware of current world events in order to be able to make changes if needed.Take for example the name below. Is it time for a name change? Or at least a sign change? Really ISIS?

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I am not a good golfer but I enjoy the game. There are a couple aspects to the game that are important:
1-Keep the game moving quickly otherwise you can't get into a rhythm and it takes too long.
2-Stay focused on your game with as few distractions as possible.  
I was recently partnered up with this guy. Always on the phone in what looks like a Halloween costume. Do I need to tell you how badly I played?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Handicapped Services.

We have come a very long way in Canada by way of offering services to the handicapped. Businesses are required to have wheelchair accessibility.  Every parking lot must have handicapped spaces. Movies and television have closed caption services for the hearing impaired and every elevator has braille on their buttons.  I am proud to live in a country that offers so many wonderful services. But I recently came across a sign in a public bathroom that I really don't understand. Notice the braille on both signs. How do the blind even know these signs exist?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I won an award

You may not believe this but I like to garden. I cut my own grass and I plant my own flowers. It started about 30 years ago when I landscaped for a summer, it was also the summer I discovered I was allergic to grass. Since moving to Thornhill I have been chasing the coveted Vaughan Curb Appeal award. Year after year I have tried to win this distinguished recognition only to be met with disappointment. Until this year, when I hired a professional landscaper. I am now a proud owner of  the Curb Appeal Award.
I was so proud until walking in my neighborhood when I came upon a fellow award recipient.
                                                          So much for feeling proud.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Have you ever wondered about your neighbors? There are always a few neighbors you are friendly with and others you just don't know about. You are always curious as to what they actually do for a living? Why are they always home? There is always that one that looks very suspicious. Sketchy people going in and out of the house all the time. A car with tinted windows always parked outside. And what about that neighbor who sits in his garage all day in his undershirt with a beer in hand.
I passed a neighbor's house this week. That's a lot of shredding! I don't want to know.