Thursday, October 23, 2014

Save the environment?

 Have you been told by hotels to reuse your towels? They ask you to think about how many towels are being laundered unnecessarily in hotels across the world and then mention the huge quantities of detergent polluting the waters. So they ask us to hang up our towels after using so they don't have to wash them. Well I for one don't like it. If I am paying to stay in a nice hotel then not only do I want a fresh towel every day,  I want a fresh towel usually twice a day. I think its time the hotels figure out how to launder towels environmentally friendly! I think they are trying to save money and just came up with a lame excuse to make us feel guilty. They just don't want to give us clean towels every day. What's next flipping the sheets? No vacuuming to save electricity. Bring your own pen! They are starting to sound like Airlines.
 Want to save money? Stop giving me crappy sewing kits, shoe shiners, vanity kits and disposable bags. If I need one I will call room service but a clean towel better keep coming.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I have had many occasion to use public bathrooms. Whether it be at the movies, gas stations, restaurants or any of the many places I visit, I have at times been in need of relief. Some have been pleasant surprises and others not so much. When I visited this latest public bathroom I said NEVER! Don't even ask. It has gone too far! I will never touch a toilet brush in a public bathroom. What are they thinking? I am the only one? And at a urinal?

Monday, October 13, 2014

Toilet paper quandry.

I always wonder about the strangest things. Like how companies have us believe that if we just pay a little extra for better quality products we will save money. Paper towel is one such product. If we purchase Bounty, because of its super absorbent power, we will use less paper towels and at the end of the day save money. Kleenex is the same. If we purchase double or triple ply the thinking is that we will use less tissues and save money.
But I wonder about toilet paper? If we spend a few extra bucks and buy a better quality product will we save money? If we buy double, triple or quadruple ply will it be more cost efficient? What about plush or quilted does it make a difference? Does it matter if you are a folder or a buncher? I don't think so! I think toilet paper is made in such a way that once you tug on that roll the same amount of squares are coming off and there is nothing you can do to about it.  The companies know it and they know we are not about to rewind once those squares have left the roll. So save your money!
 Although I am sure there is something to be said about 3 real soft, quilted, ultra plush layers of toilet paper with silky comfort. I may just give it a try.