Thursday, November 27, 2014

Feeding the Homeless

"One of the police officers came over and said 'Drop that plate right now,' as if I was carrying a weapon," Abbott said.
 A crime to feed the homeless? What's next? Unlawful to help the elderly? Illegal to visit the sick? A crime to give charity?
    Ft Lauderdale sounds like a great place, anyone else want to move?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Good economic sense

We should all be so thankful that we live in Canada. Our economy survived the global meltdown, our leaders are ethical and moral and we are given opportunities not available in most other countries.
 Venezuela for example is one of those most other countries. Their leadership is corrupt and immoral and their economy has been failing for years. The government in Venezuela has long imposed price protection on essential consumables including bread and milk and have imprisoned merchants who sell them at unfairly high prices. Although these measures may assist a little it is not enough to help the country with their economic recovery.

 Current Venezeulan President Nicolas Madura does have a solution though. Increase the list of regulated essential consumables. Effective immediately all Barbie Doll prices will be capped. Sell them above the cap and you will go to jail. Great idea, this way Venezeulans will be able to afford bread, milk, eggs and barbies.
At least Venezeulan Barbie looks happy.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Maple Leafs

I love hockey and this Saturday night there were many great games being televised. I am a Montreal Canadian fan and have been for 50 years and I have to say when it comes to hockey Montreal is THE team. Their success speaks for itself. I am sure being a Leaf fan is not easy and I do sympathize with their many fans. I did however figure out why they suck.
As I was watching the Canadians play Minnesota the broadcasters were describing how the Canadians were "skating hard" into the Minnesota zone. During a commercial break I tuned into the Leafs game against the Rangers just in time to hear the broadcasters describe how the leafs "Tiptoed" into the Rangers zone. TIPTOED? Are they playing hockey or ballet? Guy Lafleur never tiptoed!
So listen up Leafs if you want any chance to win a Stanley Cup stop tiptoeing and start skating. Or start celebrating goals like the guy below.
He shoots he scores!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Finally a good survey

A recent survey was conducted amongst women and the vast majority answered that they prefer husbands/partners who are slightly out of shape, slightly overweight, and not too health conscious. They concluded that these men are happier, more fun, and easier to live with. They are more attentive to the women's needs and spend less time focused on themselves working out and keeping in shape.
Finally women are realizing what I have been saying for years.
Pass the fries!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Some signs have spelling errors, some poor grammar and others hidden messages but what the hell does the sign below mean?