Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Airport security solution

I have heard about a great new airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners.
It's an armored booth you step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on your person.
 This as a win-win situation for everyone and economical as well. It avoids racial profiling and also eliminates the costs of long expensive trials.
 You're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter, an announcement:
"Attention to all standby passengers, Flight 681 is pleased to announce a seat is now available on flight 670 to London .

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Mickey wants to expose himself.

Big fight looming at Disney World. The people in the costumes want to come out and identify themselves! The guy wearing Mickey wants to be able to tell his friends and family that he is Mickey. Disney wants to keep them under costume to keep the fantasy alive!
If  Disney wants to create fantasies , I think they would be better off giving out Cinderella's phone number. Just saying.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Sponsorship available

I love competitive sports and since I am not getting any younger I am considering competing in this years Pan Am games. After looking over the competition in the different events I think my best chance is the high diving competition. It looks easy, safe and fun. Launching from the three-metre springboard I would perform a dizzying combination of flips and twists, somersaults and rotations in both pike (legs straight) and tuck (legs pulled close to the body) positions while trying to get extra points based on the level of difficulty and execution. Of course I would ensure the splashing would be non existent. Check out my competition, and take notice of the scores awarded. Now, who wants to sponsor me and have their company name prominently displayed on my outfit? I think I have a pretty good chance to tie these guys.

Monday, June 8, 2015

G7 World leaders

   Well the G7 world leaders are meeting again, this time in Germany. I am sure everyone remembers when the G7 meetings were held a few years ago in Toronto and Huntsville? This is a very important summit, where the most powerful and wealthy world leaders meet to discuss the most pressing world issues.
  I can't remember what issues they actually addressed in Toronto or what was achieved but I do remember what we, the taxpayers of Canada, were required to purchase for these powerful leaders. The items included:
-$14,000 worth of glow sticks. I would loved to have seen these Presidents and Prime Ministers playing with glow sticks.
-$13,000 for miscellaneous textiles, headgear and umbrellas.
-$14,000 for binoculars.
-$74,000 for defibrillators. This I understand. We had to be prepared in case every single person at the summit had a heart attack at the same time.
-$17,000 worth of snacks. I appreciate a good snack,  but I would really like to know what kind of snacks they provided for $17,000 and did they really need those snacks?  
  Maybe I am just not sophisticated enough to understand the needs of the world's elite. They obviously don't eat chips or popcorn as snacks. We can't expect them to look at the weather report before getting here to determine if they should bring a hat or an umbrella. And of course after a long day solving the world's problems perhaps a glow stick is just what they need for relaxation.  
   I am just glad these guys running the world take it so seriously, Hey Obama don't work too hard!
Obama working hard at the G7 in Germany