Monday, September 7, 2015

"Not smarter than the average bear"

 Did you hear about this guy who wore a bear costume — head and all — and was harassing a mother bear and two cubs trying to feed on pink salmon in an Alaska river.
 The incident happened last week on the Chilkoot River, no one is quite sure what the man was trying to accomplish other than getting himself killed.
A crowd had gathered to watch the bears, as they have frequently showed up there to feed, when a man decked out in a bear outfit ran through the area. The lunatic began to jump up and down, and then got to within five feet of the cubs.
 Game technician Lou Cenicola tried to talk to the man, but the man refused to identify himself, and jumped into his car and drove off without ever removing the costume.
 If warranted, the man could face wildlife harassment charges and for trying to impersonate a bear.
 I would say that this guy is NOT smarter than the average bear.



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