Sunday, September 18, 2016

Russian Genius

 Growing up a normal kid I played checkers, the smarter kids played chess. I believe it is an accepted fact that chess is a game for geniuses. Russia has dominated the chess world for most of the last 70 years. Many of the current world chess champions are Russian, I wonder if they use performance enhancement for chess as well?
 Ilyumzhinov, a Russian, is currently president of the International Chess Foundation (FIDE), a position he’s held since 1995, after readily defeating former world chess champion Garry Kasparov for the job. Ilyumzhinov must be a genius, correct?
  Well, Ilumzhinov claims that last year he was taken from his apartment in Moscow to an alien spaceship, where he was taken to a far away star. After a nice conversation he asked the aliens "Please bring me back", which they obviously did. He said, "they are people like us, they have the same mind and the same vision". "We talked and I now understand that we are not alone in this whole world — we are not unique".
 I think I will stick to checkers. Below is Ilyumzhinov with a possible alien?

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