Sunday, January 29, 2017

Help build the wall

You too can help Trump build the wall and Mexico will not have to pay for it.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Zipper Merge

Do you do the "Zipper Merge"? It's the driving move when lanes are closed and merge together causing heavy traffic, and you drive right up to the merger point and bud in front of all those who have been patiently waiting in traffic. Well, I am that guy who shoots to the front of the line and does the "Zipper Merge". I used to feel bad about pulling the Zipper but great news! The Alberta Motor Association says 'zipper merge' is the best method to reduce traffic congestion. A new study says traffic bottlenecks can be eased if drivers use the 'zipper merge' technique. In other words I am easing traffic! I am helping those waiting patiently in line. I accept apologies on behalf of all my fellow Zippers from all of you who thought badly of us. Turns out we are the good guys! Thank you my fellow ZIPPERS and lets keep helping those unfortunate drivers sitting patiently in traffic. It feels really good helping others!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Not an Ass Hole

There are various important topics that require serious discussion. Rarely do you come across serious topics examined through humour. This video is one of the best I have seen and definitely resonates with me. Not sure why?? A must see and shared.

Sunday, January 15, 2017


Early childhood education is vitally important to our children. How will our children grow and develop and turn out as adults? At what age do we begin this education? Many educators believe that the baby can already appreciate music while still in the womb. Do we educate our children through the Reggio stream? Or perhaps Montessori or even Waldorf? What about Nature vs Nurture, which makes the greatest impression on our children? Whatever your belief in your child's early education the attached video is a must if you want your child to become an important contributor to society with an appreciation for all things good.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pull down your pants and enjoy the ride.

Life has its ups and its downs. Everything does not always go your way and much is completely out of your control. Recognizing this leads to only one conclusion, when you have a chance to take a few minutes to yourself, pull down your pants, slide on the ice and enjoy the ride. Maybe treat yourself to a great meal or watch a great game, but learn from nature. Life's great moments need to be savoured. Go Steelers!!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Big Brother

We all talk about BIG BROTHER. There are cameras everywhere as our personal lives are more and more being monitored. All you need to do is watch TV or go to movies to appreciate to what extent big brother could be watching. Is this a good thing?  Arguable! Take a look at the attached video, it may change your views. Or at least open your eyes.