Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Zipper Merge

Do you do the "Zipper Merge"? It's the driving move when lanes are closed and merge together causing heavy traffic, and you drive right up to the merger point and bud in front of all those who have been patiently waiting in traffic. Well, I am that guy who shoots to the front of the line and does the "Zipper Merge". I used to feel bad about pulling the Zipper but great news! The Alberta Motor Association says 'zipper merge' is the best method to reduce traffic congestion. A new study says traffic bottlenecks can be eased if drivers use the 'zipper merge' technique. In other words I am easing traffic! I am helping those waiting patiently in line. I accept apologies on behalf of all my fellow Zippers from all of you who thought badly of us. Turns out we are the good guys! Thank you my fellow ZIPPERS and lets keep helping those unfortunate drivers sitting patiently in traffic. It feels really good helping others!

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