Saturday, February 21, 2015

What not to say.

What not to say on a first date and what not to say on a job interview has become the latest craze and has gone viral on the internet. Good advice for those with no common sense.
 It does however remind me of an interview I once had with a potential new pharmacist a number of years ago. After introductions and a brief discussion about the industry the interview was actually going quite well. Then came, " I should mention" from the candidate.
-I am unable to sign prescriptions.
-I cannot be left alone with a fellow employee.
-I am unable to work on Wednesdays as I have to report to my addiction counsellor.
 Needless to say he did not get the job, I did however refer him to our competitors.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hitting below the belt.

I try at all costs to avoid talking about politics. I respect everyone's right to their own opinion as long as it causes no harm to others. Whether you are a Liberal or a Conservative, a Republican or a Democrat we can all get along. I also believe politics should not become personal so when I saw this attack against Obama I was offended. This is none of the Republican's business. It is really hitting below the belt.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Piano Man

Do you have a favorite song? Gareth Davies loves Celine Dion's Titanic song.  He likes it so much that he blasts it over and over and over again all day long. It is so loud that neighbors have lodged a complaint with City Council and have had his sound equipment worth $5,000 seized.
 Gareth did manage to hang on to his iPhone and MacBook, which City Council also wanted because they too are capable of playing music.
  ‘People have the right to lead a peaceful existence without it being ruined by loud music,’ said Peter Hicks, the council’s portfolio holder for community safety.
    I am not sure what the fuss is all about. I once went to a Celine Dion concert in Vegas where the music was very loud and I had no trouble having a peaceful sleep. In fact I believe I fell asleep during the Titanic song. I wonder whether there would have been a fuss if Gareth had better taste in music.
 Would anyone have complained if Billy Joel was played over and over again? I think not!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

For all you Leaf fans

  The last time I made fun of the Leafs and suggested they stop tip toeing and start skating they went on a winning streak. It is time I get involved again. Take a look at the video below and remember life is always sweeter as a Canadians fan. Go Habs Go!