Friday, February 13, 2015

Piano Man

Do you have a favorite song? Gareth Davies loves Celine Dion's Titanic song.  He likes it so much that he blasts it over and over and over again all day long. It is so loud that neighbors have lodged a complaint with City Council and have had his sound equipment worth $5,000 seized.
 Gareth did manage to hang on to his iPhone and MacBook, which City Council also wanted because they too are capable of playing music.
  ‘People have the right to lead a peaceful existence without it being ruined by loud music,’ said Peter Hicks, the council’s portfolio holder for community safety.
    I am not sure what the fuss is all about. I once went to a Celine Dion concert in Vegas where the music was very loud and I had no trouble having a peaceful sleep. In fact I believe I fell asleep during the Titanic song. I wonder whether there would have been a fuss if Gareth had better taste in music.
 Would anyone have complained if Billy Joel was played over and over again? I think not!

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