Sunday, November 27, 2016

Canadian Tire

I love the Canadian Tire Store but their service is horrible. No one is ever available to assist and if you are lucky to find someone they are lazy. They never take you to where you need to go but always just throw out an isle number hoping they are close and you will ask someone else if you still can't find the item.
 I was in Canadian Tire today. I store my winter tires there and last week I made an appointment to pick up my tires to take them elsewhere. After waiting in line for a few minutes I was told by a young man that the order was closed as I had already picked up my tires. For a moment I actually thought maybe he was right, had I forgotten that I picked up my tires? Of course I told him that I had not picked them up but rather just booked an appointment in advance so I would not to have to wait as I was now doing. He responded that since the order was closed I must have taken them already. He did agree to go look in the back and of course he could not find them. At this point he needed to call a manager and she remembered the order and told me that my brother or brother in law had come in to take the tires! At this point I am thinking they gave my tires to the wrong person and I am going to get brand new snow tires and rims. Maybe it was worth the lost 45 minutes of my life. The manager said she will check again. She came back 5 minute later and asked if any of the staff had a flashlight? I have no idea where she was looking that she needed a flashlight.
 An hour of my life had now passed and she finally returned telling me she that had found the tires and asked me to pull the car to the back and she would have them loaded in my car. Now loaded and on my way home I wondered, are these even my tires? How would I ever know? I just feel bad for the next shmuck who goes in looking for his tires, because I probably have them.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Probably the best

Marketing is vitally important to every business. Even if you have a great product and it is totally unique it still needs to be marketed to the masses to create product awareness and sales. Most industries are very competitive and to be successful you need to promote yourself as offering a better product or better service than your competition.
The beer industry is a space that has been experiencing tremendous competition from large breweries as well as craft breweries with close to 700 breweries in Canada alone. So this marketing tag from Carlsberg confused me. "Carlsberg probably the best beer in the world". Probably? Whoever came up with that slogan should "probably" be fired.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

US elections

It is finally over. An election that has captured the minds and hearts of so many. The US has elected Donald Trump as the next president. Within minutes of the results the democrats began spreading fear and doom and gloom. I say enough already, give President elect Trump a chance, he may surprise you, after all, it could have been worse. Senator Crapo from Idaho could have run and won and then we would have a real President Crapo.

                                                             Senator Mike Crapo

Friday, November 4, 2016

Biggest Idiot yet !

My last blog was about the moron who jumped out of a plane without a parachute and I thought he was the biggest idiot. But Miranda Rader, picture below, wins the idiot competition hands down. Miranda a 19-year-old Texas A&M University student crashed into a police car while driving last week. If this wasn't bad enough, she had an open bottle of wine next to her, she was topless and had her phone in her hand because was taking a selfie of herself topless to send to her boyfriend.
She was very lucky that she was only charged on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and released on a bond of $2,000. She should have been charged with being the biggest idiot on the planet! Take away? Never take or text a naked picture of yourself to anyone while drinking, driving and following behind a police car!!