Sunday, June 8, 2014


  I was at a corporate golf tournament in Peterborough last week playing with a few customers. Upon arriving at the course, Baxter Creek, my phone rang, it was the OPP PCC FALLS, as identified on my phone. I answered the phone expecting a request for a donation to the policeman's ball. The person on the line identified herself as an OPP officer and informed me that I called the police and wanted to verify everything was ok. I suggested that it must have been a pocket call and I assured her that I was fine. After answering a few personal questions, my birthday, home address, where I was...the officer told me that she was required to file a report and that another officer may be contacting me.
  On the fourth hole I checked my phone and noticed I missed four calls from an "Unidentified Caller". At that very moment the phone rang again from an unidentified caller and upon answering it a police officer identified himself, told me he was following up from my previous conversation, again asked me the same questions as before and discovered we shared the same birthday, although I was older. I assured him I was fine and I apologized for my inadvertent pocket call. He asked one last time if I needed any assistance. This time I answered yes and explained to him that all my shots where slicing to the right and asked if he could help. He suggested I try loosening my grip on the club.
 My game suddenly improved. Thank goodness the OPP was there when I needed them.

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