Thursday, June 19, 2014


I was at a wedding Sunday night. As I am enjoying the wedding, sitting at a wonderful table, a friend makes his way to my table to let me know he thought my blog about Nomophobia was, as he said, weak. Weak, very weak as he repeated it a few times. He actually made the effort to come over to me to tell me he did not like my most recent blog. So I am thinking who does that? 
Can you imagine. Excuse me lady but I had to come over to tell you that your dress is weak, really weak, I really don't like it. Or, Mike I have been looking all over for you to let you know that I thought your speech yesterday was weak, very weak, I really didn't like it.
 So to my friend, I say I am sorry you felt my last bog was weak. Unfortunately I can't hit a home run with every blog for all readers. I do however hope you enjoyed this one as it is the last one I will send you. As Seinfeld would say "No Blogs for you!"  

What an...

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