Thursday, June 26, 2014


Have you ever been in a situation where laughter is warranted but not acceptable. I find myself in such circumstances all too often. Maybe it is due to my lack of maturity or my occasional inappropriate sense of humour but I find myself in many situations which I consider quite humorous and others do not.
 I was at a dinner a while back when a gentleman at my table, sitting right next to me, rose from his seat to address the group of about 150. Normally I would not find this too funny however as he rose, and I remained in my seat, at my eye level and in full public view, it was obvious that his pants were not done up and peeking out of his zipper was part of his under garments. I could not laugh as I was directly to his right and all eyes of the room where either fixated on him, his zipper, or me to watch my reaction.In these situations it is so difficult to withhold laughter that you are not even able to make eye contact with anyone else because you know once you see someone else laugh or even smile you are finished. I am proud to say that I did not laugh the entire 10 minutes that he spoke. I did sweat so profusely, however, trying to withhold my laughter that I think I lost at least 3 pounds. I am sure many of us have been in these types of  situations. If this ever happens to me again I think I am just going to casually zip up his pants, give him a nice pat on the back and ask him to continue. After all If its good for the President its good for anyone.

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