Sunday, August 31, 2014


 Exercising is very important. I presently own a treadmill and an elliptical machine, I never use them but I do own them. I have owned many other exercise machines over the years that all ended up collecting dust. I now walk for exercise, once or twice a day for 45 minutes. I am told that I should be doing more so I began investigating what the best exersice for someone like me, in such great shape, would be and I found something very interesting. I guess if you have time for only one movement a month it may as well be the Bulgarian Split Squad.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Knee Defender

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ice bucket challenge

I was challenged this week to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. This challenge has taken the world by storm and has raised millions of dollars for charity. I challenge everyone to take the ice cold plunge. Send me your videos and we will show them at the upcoming nursing conference at Classic Care on September 18th.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Falafel Balls

I witnessed one of the funniest moments I have ever seen. There I was sitting with my wife at a restaurant enjoying a good Shwarma. At a table near the entrance of the restaurant were seated two senior couples enjoying their main dish together with a falafel pate. As they were eating their main dish another patron was leaving the restaurant and on his way out he briefly stopped at the senior's table , looked at the falafel balls, picked one up, took a bite out of it and proceeded to leave the restaurant with the falafel ball in hand. The look of shock and disbelief on the senior's faces was indescribable. That a total stranger would actually have the chutzpa to help himself to their falafel ball! One of the funniest moments I can remember. Oh, did I forget to mention I lost a $5 bet?

Friday, August 8, 2014


Everyone should be aware of the dangers of electricity in a washroom. We have all seen many movies where a radio or electrical appliance falls into a bathtub and electrocutes the bather. In fact new building codes are very strict as to where outlets and light switches can be in a washroom. So when I saw the sign below in a hospital it certainly was surprising. I guess not everyone is aware.