Sunday, August 17, 2014

Falafel Balls

I witnessed one of the funniest moments I have ever seen. There I was sitting with my wife at a restaurant enjoying a good Shwarma. At a table near the entrance of the restaurant were seated two senior couples enjoying their main dish together with a falafel pate. As they were eating their main dish another patron was leaving the restaurant and on his way out he briefly stopped at the senior's table , looked at the falafel balls, picked one up, took a bite out of it and proceeded to leave the restaurant with the falafel ball in hand. The look of shock and disbelief on the senior's faces was indescribable. That a total stranger would actually have the chutzpa to help himself to their falafel ball! One of the funniest moments I can remember. Oh, did I forget to mention I lost a $5 bet?

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