Friday, April 24, 2015

Started my new job.

                                                                  I love my new job

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Guns and Peas

An Alabama middle school has devised a new way to protect their students from a potential intruder. They requested that students bring canned food to school and use it as a weapon if a dangerous intruder confronts them. The intruder may have guns and explosives but the students will have peas and corn. Does this not sound much like the movie Home Alone? Are they going to tie a string to the cans and swing them from the stairs? Perhaps glass shards on the floor in case the intruder attacks barefoot or Bunsen burners heating up the door handles to the classrooms to burn the intruder's hands. We need to keep our kids safe but there must be a better way. At least the kids will never be hungry as I am sure each student will have a few cans of food kept in their desks for emergencies. Can you imagine a student opening a can of peas during class.  Look at the picture of the staff they are so proud of this ridiculous idea.   
DOT canned food

Friday, April 17, 2015

Super Heroes

 In life we all need heroes to admire and to emulate. It can be our parents, friends, colleagues, a boss, athletes, maybe even movie stars. Someone we want to be like when we grow up. This is why we all love super hero movies. Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, mostly normal people with special powers able to assistance those in the most dire of need. I think all of us want to be heroes to someone, it is probably why we have children.
  I love super hero movies, all the cool non stop action combined with the super hero always saving the day. Avengers, in my opinion, is one of the best super hero movies as it combines multiple heroes: Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, together with others, all fighting together to save the world.
 It is hard to imagine, but there are people who don't appreciate a good super hero movie and don't believe in Superman, Batman, Ironman.... their lives must be so empty. Everyone needs a hero to believe in. Watch the attached video and then tell me you still don't believe in super heroes.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sink Hole

One minute everything is great, all is going well. The next minute, a gaping pit has suddenly appeared.  Is it under your house? Remember that unfortunate guy in Florida whose bedroom was suddenly devoured by a massive sink hole, the poor guy never to be seen again. It begins with maybe an innocuous leak in a rusty pipe then the earth beneath your feet quietly erodes until one day…whoosh. Whole buildings have been sucked into sinkholes. Entire roads have been knocked out.
 I parked my car today in a perfectly normal every day parking spot, upon my return a road crew was waiting for me, a sink hole had suddenly appeared under my car. Once I got to my car, the crew jumped out of their truck and directed me out of the spot to ensure I did not cause the sink hole to get any worse. One wrong turn and my car and I could disappear forever. 
 I survived but I was left with an unanswered question. What is better, dealing with a sink hole or an ass hole?
                             I was parked there one minute ago.         


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The alternative is much worse.

I retired a few weeks ago. Expecting I would now have time to pursue all those interests that I have not had time to tend to. Challenge those hidden talents I have kept inside all these years. Read those books that I just have not had time to sit down and enjoy and of course spend more time with family and friends. What I discovered is that  I have no hidden talents or interests. There are no books I need to read and I now spent plenty of time with family and friends. Bored I turned to a very accomplished and wise movie star for inspiration as to what lies ahead in retirement. I discovered that when one is bored you stick your nose where it does not belong and before you know it you are in big trouble.
So I am coming out of retirement and have joined the team at Motion Specialties. Too bad Mickey never got this opportunity. I would be happy to meet and discuss Motions with one and all. You can reach me at or call 905 541 5891. Always easier to get me by email.                            

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Full contact wedding

Some weddings you wish you were never invited to, I call those invoices, and others, well, if only you could have been there.
I just read about a wedding in India where the groom, as he was extending his arms to place the ring on the bride's finger, had an epileptic fit and fell to the ground. The bride,so angry that her family was kept in the dark about the groom's medical condition announced that she would marry any guest at the wedding who stepped forward.
A guest, dressed only in jeans and a leather jacket stepped forward and the ceremony continued.
After the original groom received medical treatment from a doctor and returned to the wedding, he pleaded with the bride to change her mind, but she refused. A brawl then broke out, where spoons, plates and dishes were used as weapons and a full out food fight ensued. Authorities were called and a few people were detained.
Now that's a wedding you want to be at.
                                               Dinner and a show!