Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Full contact wedding

Some weddings you wish you were never invited to, I call those invoices, and others, well, if only you could have been there.
I just read about a wedding in India where the groom, as he was extending his arms to place the ring on the bride's finger, had an epileptic fit and fell to the ground. The bride,so angry that her family was kept in the dark about the groom's medical condition announced that she would marry any guest at the wedding who stepped forward.
A guest, dressed only in jeans and a leather jacket stepped forward and the ceremony continued.
After the original groom received medical treatment from a doctor and returned to the wedding, he pleaded with the bride to change her mind, but she refused. A brawl then broke out, where spoons, plates and dishes were used as weapons and a full out food fight ensued. Authorities were called and a few people were detained.
Now that's a wedding you want to be at.
                                               Dinner and a show!



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