Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The alternative is much worse.

I retired a few weeks ago. Expecting I would now have time to pursue all those interests that I have not had time to tend to. Challenge those hidden talents I have kept inside all these years. Read those books that I just have not had time to sit down and enjoy and of course spend more time with family and friends. What I discovered is that  I have no hidden talents or interests. There are no books I need to read and I now spent plenty of time with family and friends. Bored I turned to a very accomplished and wise movie star for inspiration as to what lies ahead in retirement. I discovered that when one is bored you stick your nose where it does not belong and before you know it you are in big trouble.
So I am coming out of retirement and have joined the team at Motion Specialties. Too bad Mickey never got this opportunity. I would be happy to meet and discuss Motions with one and all. You can reach me at or call 905 541 5891. Always easier to get me by email.                            

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