Friday, October 30, 2015

Have a great flight.

I travel quite a bit but rarely watch the safety video, although I probably should. I feel comfortable with the workings of the seat belt, I know to head toward the emergency doors if needed and if that oxygen cup falls from the ceiling I think I will be able to put it on, and then help others. New Zealand Air is concerned though that most passengers do not watch the safety video and as such they have decided to do something about it. This safety video is real and plays on their flights.
         Take a look,safe travels and see you in New Zealand.   

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Save the ducks!

I have a raccoon that has decided the steps of my back deck are his personal toilet. Every morning I awake to a pile of crap on the steps, smelly and disgusting. After a quick visit to Bass Pro Shop I was ready to tackle the problem armed with Critter Ridder, Pigeon spikes and Coyote Urine. It seems to be working.
When paying for the items the cashier asked me whether I would like to donate $2 to "save the ducks". Save the ducks? From what? Who is killing ducks? Never the less I donated the $2 hoping I would make a difference in the life of at least one duck.
That night on Fox News I saw a video which made me realize I was ripped off. It seems someone else had already saved the ducks!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Looking Good.

Are we healthier and younger looking than our parent's generation? I remember pictures of my grandparents looking so old and being told they were about 50 years old in the picture.  Is 60 the new 40 or 50 the new 30? I keep hearing it and although I would like to believe it, I am waiting for scientific proof. With all the new medical technology why have we not seen proof that 50 is the new 30? Are we not better looking and in better shape?
Well the proof is finally here. Where else should we look other than at the James Bond girls. Always known to be beautiful and young. The new 2015 James Bond girl is Monica Bellucci, not to be confused with Monica Lewinsky.  A 51 year old woman. Proof that 50 is the new 30!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Ashley Madison

We are all aware about what happened at Ashley Madison. Does anyone really care? Probably not! The business is not expected to survive. However, if you believe in capitalism you never want to see a business go under. If they do want to survive they will need to reinvent themselves, create a new angle, offer more than just an affair. Look at the sign below. I think it may work!                  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hero or Putz?

A Tennessee bride proved she really is on-call 24/7 when she left her wedding to fulfill her duties as a paramedic by responding to a car wreck in the area that involved her own relatives, ABC News reported. She left in the middle of the wedding ceremony when she was told her father and grandparents were in a car accident.
"There are a lot of people that are using the word 'hero,'" Sarah Ray of Clarksville, Tennessee, told ABC News today. "I don’t think what we did was heroic. It's just anything that any first-responder would have done."
What a nice story, but perhaps some one can explain to me why the hero did not wait for her father and grandparents to get to the wedding before starting the ceremony? Maybe her father was speeding because he knew his daughter was not going to wait. Hero or Putz?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


   I attend quite a few business events where I am required to socialize over a few drinks, with people I have just met, pretending that I am interested in the small talk, hoping, that a conversation with someone will result in a new business lead.
  I was recently at a meeting with various businesses in a local community looking for new contacts. I then committed a cardinal sin. If you notice that guy. The one who people seem to be ignoring, there is usually a reason. Listen to your gut and do not approach!  However, being who I am, I approached and asked "so what business are you in"?
 Bee keeping! Now, there is nothing wrong with bee keeping, it is actually a very interesting job. But did I need an hour lecture about bees? Did you know that there are funeral bees, pharmacy bees and feeding bees? Did you know that when a bee is really sick it flies out of the hive and dies. Did you know that in the winter bees don't hibernate but actually need to eat and be kept warm. I bet you did not know that bees cuddle all winter to stay warm. I could even explain to you what a bee keeper needs to do every day to ensure his hives survive the winter. Bees can even be trained, see below.
 If I was in the farming industry this may have been a great contact but since I am in the health industry all I wanted to do was go home and take two tylenol.

Trained bomb sniffing bees