Sunday, October 25, 2015

Looking Good.

Are we healthier and younger looking than our parent's generation? I remember pictures of my grandparents looking so old and being told they were about 50 years old in the picture.  Is 60 the new 40 or 50 the new 30? I keep hearing it and although I would like to believe it, I am waiting for scientific proof. With all the new medical technology why have we not seen proof that 50 is the new 30? Are we not better looking and in better shape?
Well the proof is finally here. Where else should we look other than at the James Bond girls. Always known to be beautiful and young. The new 2015 James Bond girl is Monica Bellucci, not to be confused with Monica Lewinsky.  A 51 year old woman. Proof that 50 is the new 30!

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