Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I flew to Minneapolis yesterday. It is only an hour and a half flight. I actually enjoy short flights. I watch a movie have a complimentary drink, and read the paper. It is actually quite relaxing.
 They are ready for boarding, I am in seat 12F. I jump in line and wait patiently. I get to the boarding counter, give my boarding pass and passport to the young lady, and she asks whether I would like to change my seat. I like 12F, I picked 12F, so I decline. She advises me that the plane is pretty empty and once I board I can change my seat if I want. Strange!
  I get to the plane door, hand my boarding pass to the flight attendant, and she informs me that if I want to change seats there are plenty of empty seats in the back of the plane. Now I am very curious. I tell her that I prefer to sit in row 12, thank you. She tells me that is fine but if I decide to switch there are plenty of open seats on the plane.
   I now make my way to seat 12F, and say excuse me to the elder lady sitting in 12E, telling her I need to get by to get to 12F, the window seat.
                                               She tells me "go sit somewhere else"!
Slightly shocked I headed toward the back of the plane, where the flight attendants were laughing. It seems this old lady pre-boarded the plane and informed everyone that there better not be anyone sitting next to her. Lucky me.
   The flight was great and I got extra drinks. But then I arrived at the airport in Minneapolis and the first thing you see is..

                                                         Maybe I am in Kansas.

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