Thursday, May 1, 2014

Perfect Job?

                            What would you do if your perfect job suddenly changed?
   I read an article in Time Magazine about China's Wolong Nature Reserve who are breeding Panda Bears and reintroducing them into the wild. Sounds exciting and fulfilling? Whom amongst us would not want to get paid to play with those cute Panda Bears every day and feel so good about saving the species. There are only 1600 left in the wild. What a perfect job!
   While not having much success reintroducing the Pandas into the wild, the head of the program, referred to as Papa Panda, decided that the captive Pandas were having too much interaction with humans and therefore made a decision that all traces of humans contact must be erased from the Panda's habitat. So did they fire all the humans who were coming in contact with the Pandas?
    No, but those lucky few who were hired to care for the captive Pandas had their world turned upside down.
    Effectively immediately anyone working with the Pandas must now wear a furry black and white panda suit smeared with Panda pee and feces every day at work. Still sound like the perfect job? Not to mention it must get very hot in those costumes!

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