Sunday, April 27, 2014

Assembly required.

  We have all had this experience. You purchase a bookcase but it requires some simple assembly, not a problem. You get it home and realize the instructions are not in English.
    Not a problem, there are diagrams and pictures and after all you are a bright fellow and together with that Allen key you can do it. Usually you get most of it assembled only to realize that one piece is backwards or another piece should have been assembled first. Not a problem because taking it apart and putting it back together will be easier the second time.
    You finish it and although slightly wobbly you proudly put it in its right place, put some books on it to make it more stable and you feel good about yourself. You assembled a simple bookcase in only 6 hours! And only a few screws and bolts left over, must be extras they include just in case we lose a few when we open the box.
     Now what about that BBQ? It seems items requiring assembly are getting more and more difficult and complex to assemble. I recently purchased a new BBQ, a family member assembled it, it is working just fine. But I am a little concerned, that screw wasn't there yesterday, not a problem, must be an extra.

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