Thursday, April 17, 2014

My new best friend

  I was at a beautiful hotel recently. Gorgeous weather, nice pool, great food. It was a time to relax read my new book, Inferno, and grab some quiet time.
   Like all nice resorts, you need to get to the pool early to grab that perfect chair, put your towel down to reserve it for the day and then sit back and enjoy the peaceful time.
  I find the spot, eye the chair, grab it before anyone else can, sit down open my book and let the day begin.
  Then it happens the chair next to you becomes occupied and this guy doesn't have a book or for that matter any reading material or anything else to do but become your "best friend".
 You try very hard not to make eye contact but it does not help, the inquisition begins. What is your name? Where are you from? Enjoying the weather? What do you do? How is the food?  I am trying to read, I am answering with one word sentences, I am hoping the inquisition will be short lived, but it keeps going. How many kids do you have? Do you know so and so also from Toronto?...We have all met this guy either at a resort, on a plane, at a party, it is always the same guy with the same questions trying to become your friend. I am really not looking for a new friend for the next couple of days.
  But then my new best friend asks the wrong question! How is your book? He gives me an out. How the hell do I know how my book is? I haven't had a minute of quiet to read it!
  So I answer....wonderful thanks for asking.
My new best friend and I are planning to vacation together in Miami next year. I can't wait.

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