Thursday, July 31, 2014

New Friends

 I made three new friends today. Two ladies and a gentleman. We are starting a new club,  "Lost car in the underground parking club".
 Actually the car was not lost I knew exactly where it was 3H but I could not find 3H. Whenever I park underground I write down where I parked on the parking stub so I don't forget. Then I take careful notice of which door I enter from the garage and which door I exit to the outside so I wont get lost. This week I parked in 3H but when I exited to the stairway the door said level 2. No problem, I thought, as I will just retrace my steps when I return to the parking lot and my car will be easy to find. WRONG!
I came back to door level 2, same door I arrived through, I retraced my steps and sure enough I arrived at 2H. Now comes the search, where is 3H?
 At least I had company as the 4 of us all wandered together in search of our cars. Each one of us constantly pushing that little button on our keys hoping our car would respond by flashing its lights or by honking, but none of our cars cooperated. I suggested we all head back to the door and retrace our steps. As we did this as if by magic my car suddenly appeared in 3H, amazing how one wrong turn can get one so lost. I bid farewell and good luck to my new friends as I as began my new adventure, finding the exit.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Water Parks

  I enjoy a good water slide. I recently took my grandchildren to Great Wolf Lodge. It has a wonderful water park with great slides. What a treat to be able to go down a high fast water slide together with my 6 year old grandson. There is a problem though, it's the wait for the slide. Its not the few minutes I have to wait that I mind, its the actual standing and waiting on the stairs. You see, there is just too much naked flesh and fat hanging out of everyone's bathing suits wherever you turn. In front is usually a fat guy who is two steps up leaving his ass at my eye level and behind not much better with a guy or a gal hanging out all over the place just below me. To make matters worse everyone is dripping wet so not only are you forced to be exposed to all this naked flesh but quite frequently you also get a good splashing from the people next to you in line. And don't get me started on the extra hairy guys who also seem to brush against you as they walk by. I do have a solution though. When you enter these water parks the children are required to stand on a platform to measure their height to determine which rides they can go on. Lets have another platform for all the adults, they step up to the platform in their bathing suits and a 17 year old water park staff member decides whether they need to cover up when waiting for a ride. I think it would make the park a much nicer place to visit. If anyone is insulted they can leave. That way we are left with only good looking people in bathing suits and the rest of us are covered up.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I will try to cross that bridge when I come to it.

I was already driving on the Island for about 40 minutes. It was raining hard Tuesday on Manitoulin Island and very difficult to see the road. There where constant signs warning me that I was driving on loose gravel, signs I did not need as the rough road was reminder enough. I had not seen another car for about 20 minutes but I was lucky my GPS was in control and knew exactly where I was headed, to South Baymouth to catch the ferry home. Anyone who relies on a GPS is well aware that it loves finding the most remote roads in the area to travel on. Then it appeared: Road Closed, Bridge Out! Have you ever tried to get alternate directions from a GPS, all you hear is the dreaded "recalculating". What to do? There is no one around to ask directions, I am surrounded by country dirt roads and my GPS tells me to keep driving ahead. Sometimes when you encounter obstacles in life you must make a decision which way to go, I continued straight ahead. The bridge was indeed out. The men working on the bridge laughed when I arrived, "the GPS always gives these directions" as they directed me to an alternate route. Back through many different dirt roads until I arrived at a real paved road, fellow cars and clear signs. Needless to say I made the ferry and arrived home safely. I am though looking forward to my next GPS adventure.

Monday, July 14, 2014


 I like to carpool, I find it relaxing, I rarely drive and it makes the drive go quicker. Usually it is quite uneventful but this week there was an unpleasant twist.
 We were on the road just after 7am heading to Peterborough. I was in the passenger seat and the phone rang. It was the driver's wife. The car has a phone system so as soon as he answered the phone his wife was on speaker phone. Before he had a chance to tell her I was in the car she started at him. I was trapped in their conversation. She was having a rough morning and she asked him to do something the night before and he forgot to do it and now her day was going to be even worse. Neither of us had a chance to tell her I was in the car. 
 Should he have told her as soon as possible, after she finished screaming, that I was in the car? Is there a point in the conversation where he lost the opportunity to tell her or does he tell her when gets home? I don't know the answer but this guy was in trouble as soon as he said hello and I think telling her any time afterwards was not going to help. He was screwed!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Five Stars

I have stayed in many hotels over the years, some 5 star some 2 star. Everyone rates hotels differently. Some look for fancy rooms, others large pools, some want top restaurants, while others look for the Spa. I know someone who likes hotels that draws a bath for them every evening.  According to the Forbes Hotel ratings the following is usually required to be a 5 star hotel:
  • Staff is extremely well spoken and polite.
  • Amenities include complimentary newspaper, a welcome gift, 24 hour room service and turndown service. Drawn bath not required, but would be nice.
  • At least two types of premium quality snacks are offered during bar and lounge service.
  • Guest rooms should be clean and inviting. Nothing worn or broken. Bed should be inviting with numerous overstuffed pillows and high-quality linens.
For me it all comes down to the shower. Is there power? I need a powerful shower, like the Commando 450. I hate wimpy showers where you need to search for the best stream. You can keep the spa, the snacks, and even the over stuffed pillows as long as you give me a great shower. Although a drawn bath does sound inviting.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Have you noticed how many strange signs are posted everywhere. When driving to the airport in New York I noticed a sign on the highway "Low Flying Planes". What exactly is that sign's purpose? How low are these planes flying? 
 I was walking in my neighborhood this week and I noticed a sign on the front lawn of a home,
 " beware of invisible fence". Really? Is there such a thing? 
                             And finally a sign from a local pharmacy. Soak up the savings!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

"To be or not to be"

I was in New York City this week to celebrate Canada Day. I really do Love New York, the lights, the people, the shows, the restaurants and the wonderful neighborhoods.
A great part of New York is Central Park. Hansom Cab rides, the zoo, walking trails, bike rentals, the old castle, lakes, boating.... and did you know there is also a theatre with free shows? As I was walking through the park there was a huge lineup to see a show. People were in line with sleeping bags, pillows, food...they looked like they were lined up for hours and maybe even days. Of course I had to know what great show they were in line for, after all this is New York, "Broadway" where every show is a jewel. So I asked one of the people in line what show he was waiting for and he excitedly told me," It's a panel discussion about Shakespeare". I kept walking.