Monday, July 14, 2014


 I like to carpool, I find it relaxing, I rarely drive and it makes the drive go quicker. Usually it is quite uneventful but this week there was an unpleasant twist.
 We were on the road just after 7am heading to Peterborough. I was in the passenger seat and the phone rang. It was the driver's wife. The car has a phone system so as soon as he answered the phone his wife was on speaker phone. Before he had a chance to tell her I was in the car she started at him. I was trapped in their conversation. She was having a rough morning and she asked him to do something the night before and he forgot to do it and now her day was going to be even worse. Neither of us had a chance to tell her I was in the car. 
 Should he have told her as soon as possible, after she finished screaming, that I was in the car? Is there a point in the conversation where he lost the opportunity to tell her or does he tell her when gets home? I don't know the answer but this guy was in trouble as soon as he said hello and I think telling her any time afterwards was not going to help. He was screwed!

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