Thursday, July 24, 2014

Water Parks

  I enjoy a good water slide. I recently took my grandchildren to Great Wolf Lodge. It has a wonderful water park with great slides. What a treat to be able to go down a high fast water slide together with my 6 year old grandson. There is a problem though, it's the wait for the slide. Its not the few minutes I have to wait that I mind, its the actual standing and waiting on the stairs. You see, there is just too much naked flesh and fat hanging out of everyone's bathing suits wherever you turn. In front is usually a fat guy who is two steps up leaving his ass at my eye level and behind not much better with a guy or a gal hanging out all over the place just below me. To make matters worse everyone is dripping wet so not only are you forced to be exposed to all this naked flesh but quite frequently you also get a good splashing from the people next to you in line. And don't get me started on the extra hairy guys who also seem to brush against you as they walk by. I do have a solution though. When you enter these water parks the children are required to stand on a platform to measure their height to determine which rides they can go on. Lets have another platform for all the adults, they step up to the platform in their bathing suits and a 17 year old water park staff member decides whether they need to cover up when waiting for a ride. I think it would make the park a much nicer place to visit. If anyone is insulted they can leave. That way we are left with only good looking people in bathing suits and the rest of us are covered up.

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