Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A bris to remember

 One of the greatest honours one can bestow upon another is the request to hold a baby, be the Sandek, at a Bris. This honour is usually reserved for a grandparent, Rabbi, an elder or a very pious person. To my surprise and honour I was asked to be the Sandek at my new grandsons Bris this past week. With this honour however also comes great responsibility. Can I hold the baby securely? Will I flinch? Will the procedure make me uneasy or faint? I asked myself, am I old enough? Am I pious enough? Is there someone more deserving? I did not however ask a very important question, am I tall enough?

 The Mohel was ready and called me by name to approach and sit in the honoured chair, the chair of the prophet Elijah, a large blue velvet covered chair reserved for only this occasion. I stepped forward sat down in the special chair and there sitting proudly in front of family and friends my legs dangled from the chair not quite reaching the floor. “Not Good” said the Mohel since I was responsible to hold the baby securely on my lap, holding down his legs while the Mohel did the cutting without worrying about the baby moving or falling. Quickly thinking, the Mohel grabbed his briefcase and placed it under my legs and proceeded to begin the Bris while I sat there feeling like a 4 year old getting his first haircut at the barbershop.     

 The Mohel proceeded to begin the cut as my grandson lay comfortably on the pillow on my lap. Trying not to watch the actual procedure I stared into my grandsons blue eyes waiting for the Mohel to complete the Bris and make the Blessing afterwards. Listening carefully the Mohel began the cut and said “you don’t see that happen too often”

 I am happy to say everything is fine. My grandson is great, I survived the ordeal, and this is one Bris that neither I nor many of my family or friends will ever forget.                                                                                             

                                     Looking forward to my next Moe moment.


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