Sunday, March 23, 2014

Being short

I am sure that many of you have noticed, I am vertically challenged, short. Although being short is not a big problem it does have some inconveniences.

 -If you golf, you must customize your clubs.

 -Being in an elevator with all tall people can be uncomfortable.

 -Placing carry-ons in the overhead compartments can be difficult.

 -Purchasing clothing however is the biggest challenge. You can’t just go to Moore’s and buy a shirt or a pair of pants. I am calling out to all you short guys who think you can buy clothes at regular stores and simply get them altered. Ever wonder why the pocket on your shirt is just above your belt? And what about those pants? You may shorten the length of those pants but have you given any thought to the crotch? They were made for a guy 6 feet tall. When you sit down in those pants they become tee-pee pants because every time you sit down a tent is created. Have you noticed your suit jacket, it goes down to your knees! Ever wonder why they have stores specifically for short people, Like Browns?  Because THEY FIT!  So listen up fellow short people get it together and start looking as good as those tall guys.
 And to leave you with a little misconception, not all short people have small feet.

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