Sunday, March 16, 2014


Is it wrong to swear? We hear it on TV and in the movies. It’s in the books we read, on the streets we walk and we even hear it occasionally in meetings we attend. Politicians swear, parents swear, and definitely young people swear.

Pope Francis used a swear word during his weekly blessing last week. The Pope, who speaks fluent Italian, used the word "cazzo" — which translates to the word "penis," but for Italians it is synonymous with the f-word. He made the mistake while encouraging Catholics to share their wealth. Not sure what a penis has to do with sharing one’s wealth unless he was referring to sharing the family jewels. The Pope didn’t even flinch when he made the mistake, he corrected himself, and continued. I am not sure though whether his point was too well received. If the Pope had made the comment in Canada he could have been arrested. In the Canadian criminal code section 175(1) one is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction for swearing in public.
  There have been many attempts by various work places to end swearing and I refer you to the Bud Swear Jar commercial below. It is worth a few minutes of your time and may make your work place a more enjoyable place.

I try not to swear but I do find it funny when it is used just at the right time. There is a great book called Go the F…to sleep by Adam Mansbach. You can find it below, narrated by Samual L Jackson, and it too is well worth watching, especially if you have young children. I do caution however,  there is a lot of swearing so please don't watch it with your children.

Swearing may be rude and uncouth but so is our Toronto mayor so I guess we are going to have to live with both.


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