Thursday, March 6, 2014

True Patriot Love

  Thank goodness for the CRTC, the Canadian radio-television and telecommunications commission, an organization whose mandate is entrusted to them by the Parliament of Canada, and administered through the Minister of Canadian Heritage. An organization funded by all of our hard earned tax dollars and which is continually concerned about the preservation of our Canadian people and culture.                                                          
   So when the CRTC issued a warning and reprimand this week to three Canadian television channels for insufficient broadcasting of Canadian content and for failing to provide close-caption we should all be proud of how well our tax dollars are spent.

  In case you are curious as to which TV stations these are, they are AOV, XXX and Maleflixx. That is correct three Adult Porn stations.
  Not enough Canadian content and no close-caption? Are they kidding? How do they even know that there is insufficient Canadian content? Is it the accents that give it away? Do Canadian porn stars differ from other porn stars? Are we more polite? Does anyone really care?
  What about the CRTC requirement that Canadian stations cater to the blind by offering audio description? One can only imagine.
   I am not sure how the CRTC operates, but if they hire people to watch these channels and then have them report on Canadian content compared to foreign content than I am sure they have a long waiting list for job opportunities. I wonder whether this job can be done at home late at night after a regular full days work?
  Atleast the next time I sing the national anthem I will know that the CRTC are concerned about  “true patriot love”.                                      


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