Monday, March 3, 2014

They eat giraffes

I love animals and I have visited many zoos over the years with my children. So when I read about what happened in a Denmark zoo last week it caught my attention. It was reported that a healthy two year old giraffe, called Marius, was slaughtered with a bolt gun, publicly dissected in front of schoolchildren and fed to the lions. The zoo claims that the giraffe had certain genetic issues and therefore had to be destroyed. They also stated that we should all grow up and not be so sensitive, children can handle these situations as this is nature. Are they right, are we all too sensitive?  Should we be more like the Danish?
   Denmark, a country that has banned kosher slaughtering of animals because “Animal welfare takes precedence over religion and minority rights". 
   Denmark, a country that published Muslim cartoons regardless of the outrage it would cause in the Muslim world.
   Denmark, a country that lost 16 soldiers in WWII after surrendering to Nazi Germany after a full two hours of fighting. (They did however rescue the 8000 Jews living in Denmark by evacuating them to Sweden)
   Denmark, a country currently ranked as the happiest country in the world? If you dislike minorities, are insensitive and have shares in Lego.
   I think Denmark was wrong to dissect the giraffe in front of children, but then again who can take any people called Danish seriously. 

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