Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fantasy Realized

I believe everyone has fantasies. Whether it be winning the lottery, traveling to exotic places or scoring the winning goal in the seventh game of the Stanley Cup final, we all fantasize about something. Most of our fantasies are probably unrealistic and some too dangerous to act upon but some may just be attainable if we would choose to be bold and brave.
I have had a certain fantasy for a number of years and as I got older and slightly more mature I realized I wanted to make this fantasy a reality.
My fantasy?  Bold colourful dress socks. No more plain black or brown socks for me, I now wear multi coloured socks with bright coloured designs and I am not going back. These socks give me the confidence to stand up and be noticed.They bring joy and happiness to others. They make this world a better place to live.
  So I urge those of you who are timid. Go out and buy a pair of VERY colourful dress socks and at your next meeting or family gathering slide your chair back a few feet from the table and cross your legs so everyone can see your socks. It will change your life forever.
   Always remember what Neil Armstrong declared after wearing his first pair of multi coloured socks, "One small step for man one giant leap for mankind".

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