Friday, December 30, 2016


I have been on many business conferences over the years. I always like a good "session" at these conferences, especially one with 18 holes. But I think we should be honest, these conferences are merely a great perk for staff to enjoy a few days off with colleagues in a nice, fun and hopefully warm location. Is it a team building experience? Possibly. Can the same benefits be achieved at a local pub? Probably. I still like the concept and support the idea given the right time and place. I would however rid the conference of any work related agendas and only push the fun factor. Looking forward to 2017.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Holiday to Remember

 When my son was about 10 years old I picked him up from school at lunch time and told him that he had a dentist appointment. We then went fishing for the remainder of the day. 20 years later he still talks about it. 
Do something memorable with your family this holiday. For dinner one night maybe serve only ice cream and treats. You will remember it for years to come. Ask the kids what they want to do that is special and just do it.
 Go to the movies and dress up in character or just dress up for fun. The reaction of others will be priceless.
Take the family out to dinner in Bermuda shorts and shirts in the dead of winter.
Go trick or treating in full costume on your street in December.
Whatever you do, have fun these holidays and "live out of the Box".

Saturday, December 17, 2016


Remember the Seinfeld episode with the breathtaking baby? I wonder if every parent thinks their baby is beautiful. I would hope so. Love is blind. But what happens if your baby really isn't too cute? What if your baby looks like Danny DeVito? Yikes!                                                       

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Going where no man has gone before.

Want to make a quick $30k? NASA is offering $30k for a solution of how to deal with space poop. Currently all intestinal refuse is spaced flushed. Going where no man has gone before. We are creating an entire space toilet where at any time an astronaut walking in space or a space station or even an unknown alien can be hit with crap spiralling uncontrollably through space. I enjoy Star Trek and the many space shows and movies and I can't remember if this issue was ever displayed or discussed. Did Captain Kirk or Spock ever go to the bathroom? How was this topic overlooked for so many years?
If you have a solution contact NASA. I'm going to reach out to William Shatner.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Fish in Ice

I think this is so cool. An amusement park in western Japan displayed about 5,000 fish in the ice at a skating rink, the fish were of course dead, but as you skated you could see the fish, making it feel as if you were skating on the ocean.
About 25 different kinds of fish could be seen under the 250-meter (820-foot) long ice rink, the fish were purchased from a fish market, and were dead before the water was frozen.
 Of course there was world condemnation against fish abuse and the rink had to be closed and the fish removed. I wonder why this is so different from Bass Pro Shop which displays hundreds of dead animals throughout the store, and attracts thousands of visitors daily.
 The rink operator plans to hold a memorial service for the fish once they're taken out of the ice, and possibly a wonderful fish lunch to follow.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Canadian Tire

I love the Canadian Tire Store but their service is horrible. No one is ever available to assist and if you are lucky to find someone they are lazy. They never take you to where you need to go but always just throw out an isle number hoping they are close and you will ask someone else if you still can't find the item.
 I was in Canadian Tire today. I store my winter tires there and last week I made an appointment to pick up my tires to take them elsewhere. After waiting in line for a few minutes I was told by a young man that the order was closed as I had already picked up my tires. For a moment I actually thought maybe he was right, had I forgotten that I picked up my tires? Of course I told him that I had not picked them up but rather just booked an appointment in advance so I would not to have to wait as I was now doing. He responded that since the order was closed I must have taken them already. He did agree to go look in the back and of course he could not find them. At this point he needed to call a manager and she remembered the order and told me that my brother or brother in law had come in to take the tires! At this point I am thinking they gave my tires to the wrong person and I am going to get brand new snow tires and rims. Maybe it was worth the lost 45 minutes of my life. The manager said she will check again. She came back 5 minute later and asked if any of the staff had a flashlight? I have no idea where she was looking that she needed a flashlight.
 An hour of my life had now passed and she finally returned telling me she that had found the tires and asked me to pull the car to the back and she would have them loaded in my car. Now loaded and on my way home I wondered, are these even my tires? How would I ever know? I just feel bad for the next shmuck who goes in looking for his tires, because I probably have them.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Probably the best

Marketing is vitally important to every business. Even if you have a great product and it is totally unique it still needs to be marketed to the masses to create product awareness and sales. Most industries are very competitive and to be successful you need to promote yourself as offering a better product or better service than your competition.
The beer industry is a space that has been experiencing tremendous competition from large breweries as well as craft breweries with close to 700 breweries in Canada alone. So this marketing tag from Carlsberg confused me. "Carlsberg probably the best beer in the world". Probably? Whoever came up with that slogan should "probably" be fired.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

US elections

It is finally over. An election that has captured the minds and hearts of so many. The US has elected Donald Trump as the next president. Within minutes of the results the democrats began spreading fear and doom and gloom. I say enough already, give President elect Trump a chance, he may surprise you, after all, it could have been worse. Senator Crapo from Idaho could have run and won and then we would have a real President Crapo.

                                                             Senator Mike Crapo

Friday, November 4, 2016

Biggest Idiot yet !

My last blog was about the moron who jumped out of a plane without a parachute and I thought he was the biggest idiot. But Miranda Rader, picture below, wins the idiot competition hands down. Miranda a 19-year-old Texas A&M University student crashed into a police car while driving last week. If this wasn't bad enough, she had an open bottle of wine next to her, she was topless and had her phone in her hand because was taking a selfie of herself topless to send to her boyfriend.
She was very lucky that she was only charged on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and released on a bond of $2,000. She should have been charged with being the biggest idiot on the planet! Take away? Never take or text a naked picture of yourself to anyone while drinking, driving and following behind a police car!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What An Idiot!

When you are still young, not married, no children, you are willing to try anything, once. Ice climbing, Running of the bulls, Extreme water rafting or maybe Skydiving. When you have zero responsibilities it is easier to put your life at risk. However, once married and maybe a couple children, life becomes more complicated. You need to become more responsible no more crazy stunts that could cost you your life. Take a look at the lunatic in the attached video. He jumps out of a plane at 25,000 feet with no parachute aiming to land in a net below, with his wife and family watching! As they said in the movie Wedding Crashers,"what an idiot".

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trump or Clinton

The election in the US is beyond entertaining. Both the Fox and CNN candidates are flawed individuals however, the attached video may make the decision a little easier. Who do you think is better in this video Trump or Clinton?

Sunday, October 2, 2016

No more really early mornings!

I did it again. I woke up early got dressed and started my day. Had a good breakfast and off I went to my first appointment. Upon arriving I realized my shirt, a polo shirt, was inside out. This is now the second time in a matter of a couple months that I put my shirt on inside out. That's it no more getting up so early, waking up at 10 is killing me! At least I am in good company.
              I don't always wake up early but when I do I always put my shirts on inside out.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Good Neighbors?

 I live on a great street with good friends and friendly neighbors. With barely an exception Robert Frost was wrong, good fences are not needed for good neighbors. I don't think it is hard to be a good neighbor, be courteous and friendly and mind your own business. Say good morning when you pass a neighbor and everything else will fall into place. Everything was going great until last week when a neighbor posted the sign below. His property is all of 40' by 50'. Is it personal?

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Russian Genius

 Growing up a normal kid I played checkers, the smarter kids played chess. I believe it is an accepted fact that chess is a game for geniuses. Russia has dominated the chess world for most of the last 70 years. Many of the current world chess champions are Russian, I wonder if they use performance enhancement for chess as well?
 Ilyumzhinov, a Russian, is currently president of the International Chess Foundation (FIDE), a position he’s held since 1995, after readily defeating former world chess champion Garry Kasparov for the job. Ilyumzhinov must be a genius, correct?
  Well, Ilumzhinov claims that last year he was taken from his apartment in Moscow to an alien spaceship, where he was taken to a far away star. After a nice conversation he asked the aliens "Please bring me back", which they obviously did. He said, "they are people like us, they have the same mind and the same vision". "We talked and I now understand that we are not alone in this whole world — we are not unique".
 I think I will stick to checkers. Below is Ilyumzhinov with a possible alien?

Sunday, September 11, 2016

"Fair and balanced"

You can't get away from Clinton and Trump today. Insults being hurled at each other hourly. Each not fit for office. Hard to believe one of these candidates will be the most powerful person in the world. They can learn a lot from the attached video. Being fair and honest is important not only in politics and sports but in all aspects of life. Whether you are dealing in business, your family or friends being fair and honest goes a very long way.With the stakes and dollars being so significant in politics and sports today it is rare to find someone fair and honest.Take a look at the short video below at a professional tennis match. Best tennis call I have ever seen.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

My next vacation spot

They convinced me! What a great looking country. Super low prices, warm temperatures, and beautiful looking sandy beaches? Never mind the civil war, the 400,000 dead, lack of electricity and water, ISIS, and everything else evil in this world. Syria here we come! Look at the recent video, put out a couple weeks ago by Tourism Syria, it better be a great vacation because it may be your last.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

It was a sign

I try very hard to avoid talking politics. However, there are times when you are at crossroads and you have to look for a sign. Clinton or Trump? Who would be better for the country? Then I saw this sign somewhere in South Carolina! What direction are you going?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Turkey Geometry.

 I am not one to delve publicly into the world of politics, unless forced to. I believe everyone is entitled to their own personal political views, until it starts to hurt or offend others. There are countries in this world who are evil and bask in it and countries who are equally evil but try to hide it. Iran is proud to broadcast their evil intentions while Turkey tries to be more diplomatic, until this week.
 Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu this week described the difference between Turkey and ISIS. He proclaimed, "There is a 360-degree, not 180-degree, difference between the Islam we defend and what Daesh has on its mind,” he said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State.
 Was this a major geometrical gaffe or a politician mistakenly telling the truth? 

Sunday, August 14, 2016


 I love the Olympics, the competitive spirit, the pride, the winners and the losers. I am however confused. Did you hear the opening comments by Thomas Bach, IOC President? He stated, "In this Olympic world there is one universal law for everybody. In this Olympic world we are all equal". We are all equal? As John Oliver pointed out, this is not only false but completely contrary to the whole purpose of the Olympics. Are we not all cheering for our country to win and to beat all the other countries? If we are all equal, lets give everyone a medal and ask them to stay home. It reminds me of children sports programs where all kids are awarded medals for participating, regardless of being the winners or the losers.
I say, let the winners stand tall on the podium and the losers going home but looking forward to next time. Celebrate "triumphs" and not "nice try". Competition is good and pushes all of us to be better. If not, below might be what we can look forward to in future Olympics.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Keep healthy

We are all aware how important it is to ensure one remains in good health. Not only is it of personal importance but it is a national and even global issue. Countries throughout the world are focused on the health of their citizens as populations continue to age, costs continue to increase, and treatments become even more very expensive.
It is not surprising then that Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, has declared that he is very concerned that his pot belly is getting too big. It seems that it is affecting his golf game.
Interesting to note that the average wage in Cambodia is about $190 a month and a round of golf about $100.  "It's good to be King".


Monday, August 1, 2016

odeur naturelle

It is hard to believe but there exists countries where people believe a man should smell like a man. Deodorant is frowned upon, men are expected to smell natural. You go near these guys and you nearly pass out. It seems to me the hotter the temperature in any given country the less deodorant worn. I passed this statue the other day in a park, I think it is the Greek god Persephone, Greek for perspiration? This must be the source. What other explanation can there be for this statue?

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Make Russia great again

  Russia has come up with a great new way to improve patriotism in the mother country. Lawmakers want to start distributing Vladimir Putin sperm to Russian women en masse in a bid to create a whole new wonderful generation of Russians. 

Yelena Borisovna Mizoulina, the chairman of Parliamentary Commission on women's affairs, children and family told colleagues that by giving the president's sperm to would be mothers they would be making Russia great again. It is interesting to note that Mizoulina is a bright educated women with a PhD in law. Considering this idea comes from an educated Russian with a PhD, perhaps the idea isn't so ridiculous after all. If this is how a well educated, intelligent person thinks in Russia maybe they really need to start handing out Putin sperm. 

 Makes you wonder though who in Canada we could consider?


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Heimlich

 He created it, he heard about it but he never got a chance to try it, until this week. Dr. Henry Heimlich, now  96-years-old, used it for the first time this week to save a fellow senior resident who was choking on a hamburger.
 Heimlich was sitting at a communal dining table at Cincinnati’s Deupree House, an upscale senior living center where he lives, and noticed fellow resident Patty Ris, 87, in distress while eating a burger.
He jumped out of his seat, put his arms around Patty and pressed on her abdomen below the rib cage, and followed his own instructions displayed on posters in the dining room.
 Asked afterwards about the incident Heimlich said, " I cant believe it actually works".

Monday, July 11, 2016

Different Graduation gift

 Sixth graders received an unusual surprise at their class graduation party. Each student received a graduation disc with a special film about their school but in addition the disc also contained  pornography.
The parent of one of the students was shocked to discover the actual content of the DVD. Upon this unusual discovery they rushed to inform other parents, who of course had to see for themselves.
Angry parents appealed to the board of the school for clarification. The board explained the incident saying that the company recording the school film was reusing older discs to cut costs. Remember, you always get what you pay for. 
The real irony was that it was national HUG day when the DVDs arrived.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

How to run a business

I have always found it important to allow staff the opportunity to participate in certain decision making at work, especially when those decisions directly affects their lives or work place. Such participation promotes a happier work environment, creates work satisfaction and builds company loyalty. The town of Litchfield just created a mosquito control district where two gentleman were appointed head of this unique committee. Take a look at their last meeting and how they involved others from the district in the decisions being made while heeding any concerns or issues. I think their leadership style should be taught in all business schools. You have to watch this video. 

How to run a business

I have always found that it is very important to allow staff the opportunity to participate in certain decision making at work, especially when those decisions directly affects their lives or work place. Such participation promotes a happier work environment, creates work satisfaction and builds company loyalty. The town of Litchfield just created a mosquito control district where two gentleman were appointed head of this unique committee. Take a look at their last meeting and how they involved others from the district to participate in the decisions being made while listening to any concerns or issues. I think their leadership style should be taught in all business schools.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Venezuela is in a terrible economic crisis. Oil makes up over 90% of the countries revenue and together with the collapse of oil prices came the collapse of the economy. There have been weeks of rioting and looting, but the president, Nicolas Maduro, seems to have everything finally under control. He has come up with a few ideas that he believes will turn things around. He has addressed the people with his ideas and has told them:
-To address the electricity shortage, "Women should stop blow drying their hair, I think women look better when their hair is dried naturally".
-To address the unemployment crisis, "An idle factory will be turned over to the people, we will do it, "F_CK it , the time has come".
-To address food shortages, "Children are always hungry and eat too much so have fewer children".
-To address lack of medications, "Try not to get sick".
 Maduro has recently been called "mad as a goat", I can't imagine why.
                                          Maduro, it must be nice to have a banana!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dire situation

There are many dire situations in the world. But none so dire as the decline of clowns in the world. Yes clowns. I just read that the world is poised to suffer an unprecedented shortage of professional clowns. Is being a clown even a profession? The World Clown Association has declined by nearly 30 percent in the last 10 years, I was not aware that there was a World Clown Association. Admissions to clown colleges continue to decline, completely unaware that clown colleges even existed. I looked up what is taught at Clown College and it said " basic clowning", I was not even aware that there were different levels of clowning.
 What does all this mean? I think it means that it is time clowns realize that we don't like them. No one likes clowns. There is even a phobia called coulrophobia, fear of clowns. Interesting that in North Korea 100 percent of the population are afraid of clowns. Amazing since their leader is a total clown.
I say goodbye and good riddance to Bozzo and Chuckles, it is time to send out the clowns!


Monday, June 13, 2016

New business opportunity

I am always looking for new business opportunities. There was a time when I sold adult diapers. Sales were good, margins acceptable and the market always growing. I continue to keep my eyes open for the right opportunity.
I just read that Kenya recently paved some of their roads and immediately passed a new law to protect these roads. They have ordered all cart pulling donkeys to wear diapers. What a great opportunity to move to a wonderful country and to open a new business and it is a natural. Where else to put a diaper if not on a big ass!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Vasile Copei

In a Romanian town residents have a choice of three candidates for mayor in an election this weekend. The residents can either vote for Vasile Cepoi or Vasile Cepoi or Vasile Cepoi. The current mayor of Draguseni, Vasile Cepoi is running for a fourth term and both of his challengers are also named Vasile Cepoi. Town hall official, Viorel Munteanu, said Friday that the three contenders are not related. Anyone want to wager who is going to win? I would love to see that ballot. Below is a picture of Vasile, Vasile and their other brother Vasile. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Life's cross roads

Many times in life you arrive at cross roads. What to do? As we know all roads lead to different destinations. One's decision may be based on careers, children's needs, family or even weather or culture. Is the decision based on long term needs or immediate needs? I came to such a crossroad recently. I made my decision based on immediate need. I feel much better now, thank you.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


The debate will continue forever,  FOX or CNN? Are you a liberal or a conservative? A Republican or a Democrat?  I never know which news station to watch, which slant to listen to. Today the question was answered. My two year old grandson, Koby, made the executive decision. I asked him why? Simple he said, "Fair and Balanced"

Friday, May 6, 2016

US Elections

If you watch any news programs you can't avoid the US elections. Trump or Cruz, Clinton or Saunders? We are told over and over again that the people are fed up with mainstream politicians and want change. So is this change or have we seen these characters before?  Look at the picture below, I think we have seen all these characters before.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dream Job???

 Do you like your job? Is it challenging or boring? Have you ever had one of those days at work when you actually were all caught up, and had nothing to do? You sit at your desk and think about whether you should leave early? Perhaps look for a new job?  Maybe quietly surf the net, or go chat with other staff. This may be ok for a day or two but what if you actually had nothing to do for days? What to do then?
 Well maybe you should ask Joaquin Garcia. You see, in 2010 Garcia was being awarded in Spain for 20 years of dedicated civil service, however, while preparing the award it was discovered that Joaquin had actually stopped working 14 years earlier. It seems when they went to find Garcia in his office to inform him of the award they could not find him and when they asked others from nearby offices about his whereabouts they were told no one had seen Garcia in years. It now seems that Garcia was actually meant to be fired in 1995 at which point everyone stopped monitoring him all together. So it turns out that Garcia was paid for work he didn't do for 14 years. Garcia did nothing for 14 years! He maintained that it wasn't a total waste. While he didn't work every day, like the position mandated, he said he did occupy his office occasionally passing the time reading, often about philosopher Baruch Spinoza. Exactly what most of us would do!
 So if you are bored at work with nothing to do remember, things could be worse, you could have nothing to do for years or a far worse job.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Exotic foods

I always loved the Indiana Jones movies. The action, the exotic places and the cool things that Harrison Ford got to experience. I remember in one of the early movies when he joined a tribal leader for a meal and was served horrific foods. I remember there being eye ball soup, fried beetles and monkey brains, food you don't find on many menus in restaurants that we frequent. Well I am in Israel, currently at a hotel for the Passover holiday, and I have found quite the exotic foods myself. I think they are serving Grilled Humming bird but I am not even sure what type of stew that is. See pictures below, I passed on both.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


I woke up this morning took a shower got dressed and began my day. I had a few things to do this morning, a couple people to meet and back home for a quick lunch. The day was turning out pretty damn good. Then my wife pointed out " your shirt is inside out". I had been wearing my polo shirt inside out all day! I asked her is it noticeable? She answered, "not from the front but the back has the label printed on the back of the shirt" and,she added," it says Made in Jordan". Did I mention I am in Israel? DAMN!


Monday, April 11, 2016

New opportunities

I have been unemployed now for over a year, it's just not that easy for a 55 year old to find work these days. The poor economy has not helped but I have not given up, I have always believed that if one kept his options open and has something unique to offer then eventually an opportunity would arise. Well, today my opportunity arose and quite by accident. I was at ACE Hardware looking for a new broom, wearing a red polo shirt, when customers starting asking me for help. It was my red shirt, I looked like I worked there.I felt a purpose in my life. Could this be my next career move? 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


This is TRUE story! After a long flight I arrived at my destination, headed to the luggage carousel, but decided to make a quick pit stop, after all it was a very long flight, 11 hours on the plane. As I was taking care of business, in the privacy of a stall, the person meeting me at the airport called my cell and asked which gate I would be exiting from, I told him number 2. He repeated number 2? And I confirmed number 2!
 Unbeknownst to me a friend of  mine just happened to be in that bathroom at that exact moment and recognized my unique voice and shouted out, MOE TOO MUCH INFORMATION!

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Have you ever played the game where you are required to unscramble letters to make a word. It is a very popular game which encourages analytic thinking. You can find them in newspapers, there are Unscramble books and even schools use them for teaching children how to spell. Check out the answers below from a 6 year old in school. I applaud his thinking out of the box.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hamilton's refugees

Hamilton is a great city, I was born there. A city full of culture and kindness. Hamilton was one of the first cities to agree to accept Syrian refuges and the hotels only happy to oblige. The refugees arrived, checked into the hotels and began their long and difficult integration into the wonderful Hamilton culture. But soon after their arrival they were told to pack up and get ready to move to Niagara, because, Garth Brooks was arriving for 4 concerts and the hotels had rented out their rooms. We are ok with the refugees, especially when there are empty hotel rooms, but we obviously prefer Garth Brooks. What a great first lesson we taught the refugees about our Canadian culture and hospitality. Good thing there wasn't a hockey tournament going on in the area otherwise we could have sent them packing, back to Syria.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Like a frightened turtle.

Here we go again, another frightened turtle. Do you remember the Seinfeld episode when George was changing after a swim and Jerry's girlfriend accidentally walked in on him. It was the frightened turtle line.  Well, a wildlife smuggler was just caught after Federal agents spotted a turtle peaking out of his trousers. They say that they first spotted" irregularly shaped bulges in his pants". 

 What I really want to know is, how are Federal agents trained on spotting "irregularly shaped bulges in one's pants"? Is this a job that requires experience? Does one need to spend time on a beach observing and learning? Are these federal agents considered specialists in pant bulges? So many questions so few answers.  


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Change the world.

We all want to change the world for the better. Donating to charities is a simple way we can help. Because there are so many important charities in the world, as well as fraudulent ones, one needs to be very selective as to which charity he/she donates to. Do your homework and make a difference. Or, join my cause. Together we can make this world a better place for the Turkey!

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Have you heard about this? Manspreading! Men in New York are actually receiving fines for Manspreading on the subways. Either close your legs and let another sit or you will get a ticket.

Are men selfish or do we need a little extra room because the seats are just too small? I am sure there are people who will argue that men have become less considerate over the years, but look at this flyer from 1918 Chicago. It seems men have either been inconsiderate forever or we just need a little extra room for the family jewels.
Whatever the reason New York is forcing men to be uncomfortable on the subways. Squish the jewels or pay up.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Slippery Slope?

There has been an argument for decades about whether to allow the sale of beer and wine in places other than the LCBO(liquor control board Ontario) stores and designated beer stores. One argument contends that we need tight controls of all alcohol sales while the other side argues that in other provinces it is already being sold in regular retail locations and Ontario therefore should be no different. As we are aware Ontario has recently decided to allow sales of  beer and wine in certain retail stores. Is it a slippery slope? Are there legitimate concerns? Take a look at a store I passed the other day in another country. I am glad to see the children can get their lollipops and Johnny Walker together. At least it appears the marijuana is still kept behind the counter.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Did you see the latest invasion in Australia. Not snow or mosquitos or aliens but Tumbleweed. They call it Hairy Panic. If you hate shoveling snow or fear mosquitos take a look at what these people are facing. Can you imagine the allergies? You have to see this!


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentines Day

I was at a friend's home the other day and in honour of Valentine's day they showed me a kiwi they purchased.
 Then they showed me the other one they purchased.
 Happy Valentines every one!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Death,Taxes and Prunes

We all know that we can't beat death and taxes forever but we certainly can try to avoid them for as long as possible. A good tax planner will help you delay paying taxes but how does one delay aging for as long as possible? I just found the answer, PRUNES. According to a recent commercial from Sunsweet as one gets older, "feeling good starts with Prunes". In middle age there are still many things that can make you feel good but as we get older I guess it is all up to the Prune. So enjoy life as much as possible because one day feeling good only starts with prunes.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bass Pro Shop

Have you ever been to a Bass Pro Shop? It is like a zoo with dead animals, and if you want to kill something this is the place to go. Guns, crossbows, rifles....whatever your flavour they have it. I love the store but I don't understand their greeting. "Welcome Fishermen, Hunters and other Liars". I know a "lier", pronounced like liar, is someone who hides to ambush or attack, like a hunter, but what about a Liar? Are those the guys who tell you about the fish that got away? 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

New Immigrants

There is a major debate going on in the western world right now, to accept or not to accept millions of middle eastern immigrants. Germany is accepting over a million immigrants but, they have a plan. Each new immigrant receives a wonderful Immigration Guide. They claim this guide will make the integration much easier and prevent crimes. After all, things we find obvious in western culture some middle eastern cultures do not. See below a real picture from the German Guide, with my caption. Maybe in some middle eastern cultures this is a compliment to a lady. Canadian women be prepared to be complimented as we are accepting thousands of middle eastern immigrants and we have no guide available.
                                         Dear immigrant please do not grab a lady's ass.                            


Saturday, January 16, 2016

What a Turkey.

They are called emotional support animals or psychiatric-service animals. These are therapy animals that many people have come to rely on for emotional support especially when finding themselves in anxious situations.
Last week Delta Airlines allowed an emotional support turkey on one of their flights and even provided it with a seat. In fact it was given a comfort plus seat. I guess Herb Tarleck was correct,  "Turkeys can fly" .

                                                                  Real Picture

Monday, January 11, 2016

Going out on a limb

We all know the saying "out on a limb". Is it good or bad to be out on a limb? I have heard it is okay to climb the tree, but don't go out on a limb you may fall off. Or he was pretty far out on a limb when he predicted the future. Is it possible that in order to be successful in life you sometimes need to go out on a limb? I think so. Check these guys out, I think they know what it means to go out on a limb. Good decision or not?

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Road Kill Challenge

Anyone who is required to drive a lot on highways knows how boring it can be. The way I keep alert is by keeping an eye out for road kill. It is always a challenge driving at a fast speed, keeping an eye on the road while at the same time trying to identify the animal. I appreciate it even more when there are signs of potential animals, like deer, it makes me extra alert. I was driving on a highway last week and saw this sign. Can't imagine much of a challenge identifying that road kill!